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Leverage generative AI to transform your business and meet the challenges of your industry

Bannière GENAI

Speed up your digital transformation with AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) offers massive possibilities for transforming your business through substantial performance improvements. If you’re looking to improve decision-making, optimize processes, achieve more personalized service, and stimulate innovation, now is the time to turn AI into an asset for your organization, regardless of your level of maturity in this area.

But AI has also brought with it a number of crucial challenges. How can companies keep control over data? Protect intellectual property rights? Avoid bias? And keep up with the breakneck pace of technological progress? In the medium term, employment will also need to be adapted to new realities. In sum, companies are going to be faced with a multitude of challenges that they will have to prepare for and overcome.

With GenAI Journey, Hardis Group offers you support and guidance at every stage of your AI transformation, from familiarizing your teams with these solutions to deploying them in your business processes.


To make your implementation of AI a surefire success, we have developed a four-tier approach that helps ensure that the transition to AI will be smooth and streamlined across the board within your organization.

THINK – Start your AI journey with targeted familiarization

Understanding the basics of AI is crucial to being able to fully tap its potential. Hardis Group organizes familiarization sessions for Executive Committees and operational managers to get your teams up to speed on the fundamentals of AI and the possibilities it offers.

AI Awereness Workshops

How can AI transform your business processes and generate value for your organization? We offer you the opportunity to explore real-world use cases for AI and generative AI in a wide range of contexts to illustrate their potential impact. These interactive sessions are centered around exploring the possibilities offered by AI and identifying initial use cases that might be relevant to your company. You will come out with a clear understanding and specific ideas on your approach to the use of AI.

To make these concepts more tangible, we conduct live demos of generative AI solutions in action. They give you the opportunity to see firsthand how these technologies work and how they can be an asset for your business. We also perform benchmarks and comparative assessments to help you choose the most appropriate solutions for your needs.

AI Observatory

Keep ahead of the curve by choosing an AI market intelligence service tailored to your business activities. Get in touch with industry experts and discover new AI use cases and solutions that are perfectly aligned with your strategy.

DESIGN – Custom AI strategy for optimal results

Take things to the next level by crafting an AI strategy specifically tailored to your needs and focus areas. With AI Design consulting, we help you align your corporate vision with your strategic priorities to ensure success across the board with your AI initiatives. This design phase is an ideal way to ensure that your AI strategy and your corporate vision are perfectly in sync. You will come out of the process with a clear roadmap to achieving your goals.

AI Strategy – Assessment and Roadmap

Our team of consultants begins with a comprehensive assessment of your organization to identify the opportunities and challenges that are specific to your industry and the different business lines your organization is involved in. Thanks to this assessment, we can devise an in-depth strategic roadmap that is tailored to your goals, resources, and constraints.

A 3-year roadmap is then drawn up to accompany you at every step of your AI transformation and offer you a realistic and ambitious approach based on 4 pillars:

  1. Vision: How can your corporate vision adapt in response to GenAI?
  2. Value: What value can GenAI offer in your different business areas and roles?
  3. Risk: What are the inherent risks of implementing GenAI within your organization?
  4. Governance: How should you handle the AI transformation and its evolution within your organization?

Use cases & Go to market 

Group brainstorming sessions are held to identify the most promising and relevant use cases for your company. Our industry experts (insurance, supply chain, manufacturing, digital commerce, etc.) guide you in evaluating the feasibility of the opportunities that are identified. Our aim is to help you prioritize the most strategic solutions.

IMPLEMENT – Transform AI into an operational reality

Turn your ideas into solutions! Hardis Group is here to help you develop and seamlessly integrate AI solutions within your organization.

Choosing Solutions & Data Sources: AI Playground

AI transformations require the installation of solutions, which means developing a corresponding technical architecture and selecting the right tools not just for your projects, but also for your information system. Because GenAI technology is constantly evolving, choosing the right tools allows you to stay ahead of the curve. Hardis Group is home to numerous AI, data, and cybersecurity experts, who are there to identify the solutions and key components required to achieve robust, secure, and clear architecture to enable POV (Proof Of Value), allowing you to assess not just feasibility, but also the benefits that stand to be gained.

And since your project’s success hinges on the quality and availability of the data involved, we can help you identify and integrate the right data sources to feed your AI models. This step includes the collection, cleaning, and preparation of your data.

POV & Take Off 

Before solutions are implemented, our team completes POV (Proof Of Value) assessments to demonstrate the advantages actually supplied by AI in the use cases identified. This is a pivotal step in assessing, at an early stage, the usefulness and potential positive impact of the solution.

Doing so enables us to estimate the time required to implement the selected AI solution and to evaluate and adjust the AI models that are built to gauge their impact on your business teams. It also allows us to assess your return on investment (ROI) and, in light of the findings, make a final decision on whether to roll out the solution at scale.

DEPLOY – Global deployment and continuous improvement: AI Factory

Turning an idea into an operational reality requires a long-term, structured approach. This is where our AI Factory concept comes in, offering an organized framework for the global deployment and continuous improvement of your AI solutions. AI Factory is designed to seamlessly integrate artificial intelligence into your business processes, ensuring steady evolution and adaptation to new opportunities.

From Implementation to Deployment

Moving from initial implementation to AI Factory ensures the sustainability and performance of your artificial intelligence projects. It includes an MLOps deployment process in which each solution is rolled out within your existing infrastructure to ensure it flawlessly fits into your current systems. This integration allows you to maximize operational efficiency while minimizing downtime.

Change Management

AI Factory is not limited to technical deployment; it also includes change management assistance for your teams. We put training and assistance programs in place to help prepare both your technical teams and any other employees affected by your AI projects.

This assistance is essential to ensuring swift and smooth adoption of AI technology and encouraging a sustained culture of innovation.

Business Processes Integration and Continuous Improvement

AI Factory integrates solutions directly into your business processes. We work with you to implement processes to ensure continuous improvements and updates to the solutions. User feedback and performance analysis allow you to remain fully agile and responsive, adjusting your AI solutions in response to changes in your industry and your organization. This framework ensures that your GenAI initiatives remain in sync with your strategic goals, while also being flexible and scalable so that you remain up to the task of facing future challenges.

Our technical expertise, delivered to you

Being able to rely on robust technical and business expertise and cutting-edge technology is key to successfully managing your digital AI transformation. We offer you unrivaled support from specialists with recognized experience and expert knowledge.

Our experts, your success 

Our team includes AI specialists, data scientists, software engineers, and industry experts. Each member of our team brings you a unique combination of technical expertise and in-depth knowledge in their specialty area.

Tools and architecture 

We use a full range of advanced tools and technologies to develop and deploy robust, high-performance AI solutions.

  • Large Language Models (LLM)
  • Data Pipeline
  • Embedding Models
  • Vector Databases
  • Prompt Engineering
  • Bot et Chat
  • RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation)
  • Vision
  • Speech

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