Transformation de Petzl : évaluation des impacts d'une transition D2C


Other sector.


Petzl, founded in 1975, is a leader in the BtoB outdoor and work-at-height market and a global leader in climbing, mountaineering and safety equipment. The company designs, tests, inspects and distributes innovative solutions that keep people safe in vertical environments and shine a light in the dark.

The project at a glance

Petzl expressed a need to assess the project and structural impacts of a shift to a DtoC (Direct to Consumer) model before pressing ahead with this new approach. The aims of the assessment were as follows:

  • To clarify the strategic vision
  • To scope the priorities and challenges
  • To review and document the cross-cutting impacts associated with implementation

For this scoping exercise for our DtoC transformation, we were looking for support to help us align the affected departments and build a common vision. We wanted a partner with experience of previous DtoC transformations, to help us avoid cutting corners and falling into traps, and to challenge our thinking with industry trends and transformation models. We were drawn to Hardis Group’s methodology because it was based on the real-life challenges faced by both consumers and employees.

Boris Stephan, Digital Marketing manager

Contexte et objectif


  • Analyze the context:
    • Review and document the strategic vision
    • Review and document the IT architecture and business and supply organizations
    • Analyze the market and the competition from a DtoC perspective
  • Define the target experiences:
    • Design the target customer experience
    • Design of the (head office) employee experience in view of the customer experience
    • Design of the (retailer) network experience in view of the customer experience
    • Review and document data and process requirements
  • Propose transition scenarios and identify necessary business, technical and governance projects
  • Draw up a road map


  • Adopted a requirement-driven approach
  • Organized design-thinking workshops to define the customer, employee and distribution network experiences
  • Converted these experiences into data and process requirements
  • Defined cross-cutting transformation projects: governance, businesses and IT
  • Provided support with project implementation and management
Missions réalisées


  • Understanding of the impacts underpinning the corporate strategy, leading to approval of the project by Petzl’s senior management
  • Introduction of two types of experience (“professional” and “customer”), with ambitious plans on product-related services, training and material management