Magasin Kidkanaï


Distribution, luxury goods and CPG


Launched by Kiabi in November 2022, Kidkanaï is a retail concept that combines the sale of pre-owned items (clothes, toys, books, child development products, etc.), for infants and children from 0 to 12 years of age, and a meeting hub that encourages chats over coffee between parents, relaxed family time or participation in activities. The ambition behind Kidkanaï is to promote responsible consumption, to extend the life of products and to circulate people’s experiences and stories.

The project at a glance

Kidkanaï, a retail concept developed by Kiabi over several months, offers a system for the collection and resale of clients’ items. The service utilizes a mobile phone app to register the items clients wish to sell, and evaluate the price of each. The items are then dropped off at the store, and depending on which ones are sold, the seller receives a voucher or a credit via their bank card.

Kidkanaï has opted to use the Orisha – Openbravo software solution to manage all the purchase and resale operations, because Openbravo offers a Cloud-based and modern experience, and can be customized to meet specific requirements. The retail brand placed its trust in Hardis Group to develop a turnkey information system, utilizing Orisha – Openbravo technology, in less than 6 months.

The Hardis teams have in-depth expertise on the software published by Orisha – Openbravo. They have provided all the support we need to deploy a complete information system in the space of a few months, and they are helping us still, evolving the system to reflect changes in the business model.
— Ismael El Hamouchi, KidKanaï project leader

Contexte et objectif


  • To have a complete turnkey information system available within 6 months
  • To develop a mobile application enabling Kidkanaï clients to register the products they wish to sell, and evaluate the price of each item
  • To have a point of sale (POS) management solution
  • To factor in specific aspects associated with the purchase / resale of pre-owned items
  • To manage data exchanges with Kiabi’s information system


  • Implementation of the Orisha – Openbravo solution
  • Development of the mobile application for use by Kidkanaï clients
  • Development of a module to calculate VAT on margins (specific to pre-owned goods)
  • Setup of the necessary interfaces to retrieve accounting information in the Kiabi IS
Missions réalisées


  • Information system developed from scratch, within 6 months
  • Solution meets the specific requirements of the retail concept and of the purchase / resale of pre-owned good
  • Agility, so that the solution can evolve in line with adjustments to the Kidkanaï business model